The name bestowed upon this university is “Chulalongkorn” – it will forever remain with you wherever you go and in whatever you do – good or bad. For this reason, each time you perform any deed make sure you do so with discernment and have the foresight to weigh the benefits and losses.

Speech of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej delivered at the commencement ceremony for graduates of Chulalongkorn University, May 21, 1950.

To celebrate Chulalongkorn University’s 100th year in 2017, the Chula community is invited to participate in the festivities commemorating this momentous event. These festivities will include the culmination of historic facts and information, moments of immense pride and activities organized in celebration of and as a gesture of gratitude to this beloved alma mater. Over the century, the university has upheld the royal intention of HM King Chulalongkorn and HM King Vajiravudh to establish an institute of higher learning, and endow its graduates with both the education and the ability to serve and develop the country.

Throughout the past 100 years Chula graduates have served the people by applying their knowledge and expertise for the betterment of society and contributing towards the development of the nation in all relevant areas. In the century to come, we shall move forward with the motto, “thinking and doing for the good of society”, and develop approaches to move society forward. By creating innovations and producing highly qualified personnel in all aspects and dimensions, the Chula community will continue to play its part in strengthening Thai society as well as connecting and cooperating with the world community.

The celebrations to commemorate ‘100 years of CU pride’ have begun. Together, let us go forth towards a new century for Chulalongkorn University.

The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping.

Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University


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