
Category: Featured on COVID-19

“Read Medicine Labels” – How to Safely Use Green Chiretta Against COVID-19

“Read Medicine Labels” – How to Safely Use Green Chiretta Against COVID-19

Chula Pharmaceutical Science points out the benefits and cautious use of green chiretta to better understand the drug, urging consumers to pay attention to “medicine labels” to choose and use green chiretta effectively and safely.

Metaverse Technology and Applications

Chula now offering a Metaverse course for the public.

Chula Engineering launches a short course for the public “Metaverse Technology and Applications” to expand the learning framework, and keep people attuned to technological changes to meet the future needs of Thai society.


Chula’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Develops Palatable Liquid Vehicle for Extemporaneous Preparation of Pediatric Favipiravir Liquid Dosage Form

Faculty members from Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy and Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University have developed a liquid vehicle to be used for the preparation of extemporaneous Favipiravir oral suspension for pediatric patients to help lessen the burden of medical practitioners and pharmacists dealing with the process of preparing oral liquid dosage form from tablet medications while also enabling parents to administer the given medications appropriately during the child’s home isolation period.


Government Urged to Protect Riders – A New Economic Base Whose Lives Are Still Precarious and Uninsured

Riders – Heroes – Chains,” a study from Chula that reflects a fast-growing modern workforce, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic but without assurance or protection of their welfare.

COVID Nasal Spray
Eucalyptus Pulp as Plastic Substitutes

Value-Added Eucalyptus Pulp as Plastic Substitutes to Reduce Pollution

Chula Master in Engineering student’s research on turning the cellulose in eucalyptus pulp into plastic substitutes with added antiseptic property hopes to help lower cost, and branch out into various environmental and human-friendly products.

Chula Cutting Edge Biosensors

Dr. Sudkate Chaiyo Awarded 2021 Young Scientist for his Cutting-Edge Biosensors

Dr. Sudkate Chaiyo from the Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Chulalongkorn University (IBGE-CU) has won the 2021 Young Scientist Award with his simple and innovative biosensors for food quality, agricultural safety, clinical diagnosis, and COVID-19 immunity detection.

Used Face Masks – Infectious Waste that Requires Proper Disposal

Chula Engineering professor proposes ways to manage used masks and ATK test kits by choosing reusable masks, separating infectious waste, and preparing it properly before discarding it to be destroyed in a non-polluting disposal system to reduce overflowing waste problem.

Alcohol-free Medical Antiseptic and Moisturizing Spray Against COVID-19 – A New Health Innovation from Chula!

Chula researchers recently launched a fast-acting, alcohol-free disinfectant for viruses and bacteria that is gentle on the hands. Nationally patented, the innovation was selected as a souvenir for the Thailand Research Expo 2021.

3 Sales-Boosting Techniques by Adding New Value to Old Products

The current market is fiercely competitive with a wide array of products and services. Chula Business School professor recommends three simple ways to make products and services stand out and touch consumers’ hearts by adding new value to boost sales.

Chula Develops the First 3-Gene RT-LAMP COVID-19 Test Kit in Thailand – An Accurate, Affordable, Accessible Solution

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Naraporn Somboonna, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, revealed another success milestone in COVID-19 testing with the RT-LAMP method that can detect the virus similar to the RT-PCR test, but this newly developed RT-LAMP method tests for three genes to cover the life cycle of the virus, making it highly sensitive, simple and cheaper than the RT-PCR test.

A Breakthrough in Probiotic Therapy – Personalized Probiotics (Dispensing) Machine for a Balanced and Enhanced Immune System

MED-CU has invented a Personalized Probiotics (Dispensing) Machine to deliver live microorganisms that have health benefits to treat patients with unclear health problems and those with microbial imbalances or “dysbiosis”.

Is Your Alcohol Sanitizer Safe and Effective? Chula’s Pharmaceutical Science Has Developed a User-friendly and Rapid Test Kit to Keep People Away from COVID-19.

Chula Pharmaceutical Science helps increase public confidence to keep COVID-19 at bay with their new test kit to verify the safety and efficacy of hand sanitizers and alcohol-based gel and spray products.

7 Ideas for Fun Online Teaching, Great Tips from CU Demonstration School

CU Demonstration School’s teachers share their tried and tested methods for flexible and fun online teaching to promote learning for both teachers and students in the New Normal.

Quick MBA for SMEs – Chula’s Intensive and Practical Training for Business Survival during the COVID-19 Crisis

The recently-concluded and successful “Quick MBA for SMEs” social project from Chula that brought knowledge to the living room of four groups of SMEs entrepreneurs: food businesses, hotels & accommodation, health, and fashion, to help them adapt and survive the COVID-19 crisis. Watch past episodes to revive and empower your business today.

“Nong Fai Chai Gen 3”, A Robotic UV-C COVID-19 Disinfection Lamp Is Now Operational to Keep Frontline Personnel 100% Confident and Safe

The Faculties of Medicine and Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Smile Robotics and King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) have jointly developed “Nong Fai Chai, Generation 3” — a UV-C disinfection lamp that can kill 99.99% of the COVID-19 virus and other germs within 3 minutes, now ready to assist front-line staff.

Decoding the Genes – Chula Applies Genomic Medicine to Diagnosing Rare Genetic Diseases in Thailand

Chula Genomics Research Team successfully cracked the genetics codes of Thai people so that rare, chronic, and emerging infectious diseases can be accurately diagnosed, and effectively targeted while reducing public healthcare costs. Most recently, the team found the genetic factors in Thai people that contribute to the severity of COVID-19, as well many other genetic disorders.

Seniors Should Stay Fit, Body & Mind – Chula Suggests Ways to Exercise Safely at Home to Keep COVID-19 Away

Chula physical therapy specialist invites seniors to exercise to boost their immunity against COVID-19 and stay fit even during home quarantine with easy ways to exercise at home during the lockdown.

Chula Marketing Guru Cautioned Entrepreneurs Against “3Ps of Business Taboos” to Survive the Fourth Wave of COVID-19

Chula marketing professor from the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy warned entrepreneurs of the  “3Ps” of things they should not do, and to hang on to their hope. This fourth wave of COVID-19 too shall soon pass.

“Automated Vaccine Filling Machine”, An Innovation from Chulalongkorn University, Helps Boost the Number of Vaccinations by 20 Percent, and Reduce the Workload of Medical Personnel

The Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University has developed an automated vaccine filling machine that can fill AstraZeneca vaccine into syringes with precision, speed, and safety, helping to increase the number of vaccinated people by 20 percent.  The prototype is now operating at Chula Vaccination Center and more machines are planned to be built to support frontline medical personnel in many vaccination centers soon.

Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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