Monitoring and Evaluation of the Second National Plan for Older Persons (2002–2021)

Project undertaken by: College of Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University. Bureau of Empowerment for Older Persons, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (currently the Department of Older Persons).
1) National Commission on Older Persons and Cabinet.
2) Bureau of Empowerment for Older Persons, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (currently the Department of Older Persons).
About research: The primary objective of the project is to monitor and evaluate the performance of the execution of the Second National Plan for Older Persons according to the indicators, as described in various measures, in the strategies of the plan. To assess the process of work related to older persons focusing on the promotion and protection measures. This study makes use of both primary and secondary data sources.

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.
Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University