
Development of high performance ballistic armor from varied fiber reinforced polybenzoxazine composites

Project undertaken by: 

Associate Professor Dr. Sarawut Rimdusit

E-mail: sarawut.r@chula.ac.th

02-218-6862, 098-285-9653

Partner: The Army Research & Development Office

About research:

At present, the situation in the southern region of Thailand remains a major problem, where the loss of both military and civilian lives is quite high. One reason comes from the inadequate protective equipment, such as ballistic armor or military helmet. The armor used in Thailand is normally imported with a relatively high price. Therefore, the government and the private sector have attempted to produce ballistic armor using locally available inexpensive materials, but they cannot protect the wearer from bullets at high levels (i.e. higher than IIIA level according to the standard of National Institute of Justice (NIJ), USA. In this research, we aim to develop of high performance ballistic armor from varied fiber reinforced polybenzoxazine composites at a lower cost as well as lower weight as a substitute for the high cost armor. The ballistic can resist the penetration of a 7.62 mm AP projectile equivalent to level III of NIJ standard, USA.

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