
Thai elephant pants wave

Chulalongkorn Scholar Invites Young Designers to Ride on “Elephant Pants” Wave, Promoting  Cultural Identity as a Form of Thai Soft Power

Chula scholar recommended that the Thai government recognize the Elephant Pants as a Soft Power by featuring them in cultural activities, supporting local craftsmen, promoting the product in international fashion events, and sharing the origin and sustainability of the Elephant Pants on digital platforms. This will improve Thailand’s image and support the local economy.

GoodWalk Thailand: Designing “Walkable City” Revitalizing the Economy, Enhancing Quality of Life for City Dwellers

GoodWalk Thailand: Designing “Walkable City” Revitalizing the Economy, Enhancing Quality of Life for City Dwellers

Chula joins hands with the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) to design “Walkable City” using the GoodWalk Score as the criteria for selecting the pilot area to be developed as Walkable City in Bangkok as well as many cities around the country.  The plan is to help reduce pollution, revitalize tourism, and the local economy while enhancing the quality of life and health for city dwellers. 


Explore Historicovator’s Innovative Learning Media to Take a Virtual Tour of Ancient Thai Communities Developed by Chula Education Lecturer

History is fun with Historicovator, an innovative metaverse media for learning the past at your own pace, by a Chula Education Lecturer that won several awards at the iCAN 2023 Innovation Contest in Canada.

Cello-gum Innovation Revolutionizes the Food Industry

Cello-gum Innovation Revolutionizes the Food Industry: Turning Coconut Jelly Biowaste into Billions in Raw Material Value

“Cello-gum”, a groundbreaking innovation by Prof. Dr. Hathaikarn Manuspiya from the Petroleum and Petrochemical College at Chulalongkorn University, transforms coconut jelly biowaste into valuable food ingredients worth billions of baht.

Study Abroad at Chulalongkorn University-EN

Study Abroad at Chulalongkorn University: A Gateway to World-Class Education in Asia

Poised to become one of Asia’s educational hubs, Chulalongkorn University is admitting Thai and international students to more than 100 international programs in all disciplines to create learning experiences without borders and prepare graduates for world citizenship.

“Buddhist Studies” at Chula In-depth studies, activities, and research

Chulalongkorn University isn’t a Buddhist university but it does serve as a resource center for Buddhist Studies research and education. There are now various programs that offer courses in Buddhist Studies.

Chulalongkorn University BRIDGES Nobel Laureate Talk Series: A Global Gathering of Minds

Chulalongkorn University BRIDGES Nobel Laureate Talk Series: A Global Gathering of Minds

The Chulalongkorn University BRIDGES Nobel Laureate Talk Series has been unveiled to the public with five honorable keynote speakers whose achievement make a statement in the science world recognised by the prestige global award of Nobel Prize. It is a great opportunity to learn more about their story of success, knowledge and experience, which is ready to be shared with the audience for promoting peace in the global community.

Thai Street Food Chula - Bantadthong - Sam Yan

“Chula – Bantadthong – Sam Yan” – Foodies’ Paradise A Hub of Hip Thai Street Food

The Property Management of Chulalongkorn University (PMCU) awakens the Thai soft power concept by transforming the Bantadthong – Samyan neighborhood into a Thai street food paradise combining popularity and the “it” factor in a variety of restaurants while emphasizing hygiene, quality, and taste. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, the area is believed to attract consumers, as well as Thai and foreign entrepreneurs.

“Organic Fertilizer from Cassava Waste” An Innovation from Chula to Replace Chemical Fertilizers and Increase the Value of Agricultural waste

“Organic Fertilizer from Cassava Waste” An Innovation from Chula to Replace Chemical Fertilizers and Increase the Value of Agricultural Waste  

A Chula researcher has been successful in adding value to agricultural waste generated by industrial factories by transforming cassava waste and sewage sludge into organic fertilizer to replace the use of chemical fertilizers.  He has also come up with a special formula of microbial inoculum that increases nutrients needed by plants.

Anti-Choke Mug

“Anti-Choke Mug” – Chula Innovation for Neuro Patients to Drink Water Confidently

Chula Medicine has designed an anti-choke mug with calculated angle, amount, and time of water flow from the mug to the patient’s lips hoping to reduce choking that may lead to lung infection, bring peace of mind to caregivers, and make it safer for patients who will have a better quality of life.

Chula Researcher's Innovative Wireless Hepatitis B Test Kit for Complete Screening and Data Collection in One Step

Chula Researcher’s Innovative Wireless Hepatitis B Test Kit for Complete Screening and Data Collection in One Step

Chula researchers have developed a remarkable wireless hepatitis B virus test kit to screen for infection and collect data for an online database that’s fast and complete in one step.  Industrial production is targeted for use throughout the country. 

Chula Researchers Develop Progesterone Test Kit to Determine Swine Pregnancy to Assist Farm Management

Chula Researchers Develop Progesterone Test Kit to Determine Swine Pregnancy to Assist Farm Management

A simple way to find out whether a gilt is already pregnant is through the Progesterone Test Kit – an innovation developed by Chulalongkorn University researchers that is easy for farmers to use, with fast and accurate results. The kit can help increase the efficiency of farm management and has also been tested for use in over ten countries.

Chula Engineering lecturer’s innovation “The Balance Assessment Device”—gold medal winner at ITEX 2023, Malaysia, and recipient of World Invention Intellectual Property Associations’ (WIIPA) Special Award (Gold Medal)—checks body balance and balance loss for behavior changes and fall prevention to promote fall risk awareness and knowledge.

Always on Alert for Balance Loss with “The Balance Assessment Device,” An Outstanding Innovation by Chula Researcher

Chula Engineering lecturer’s innovation “The Balance Assessment Device”—gold medal winner at ITEX 2023, Malaysia, and recipient of World Invention Intellectual Property Associations’ (WIIPA) Special Award (Gold Medal)—checks body balance and balance loss for behavior changes and fall prevention to promote fall risk awareness and knowledge.

Thailand's Silver Workforce: Tapping into Untapped Potential

Thailand’s Silver Workforce: Tapping into Untapped Potential

In recent years, the labor market in Thailand has experienced a major “demographic disruption” that has affected the employment dynamics among the senior population. This shift is not only significant in numerical terms but also has far-reaching implications for various aspects of the country’s social and economic structure.

“Read Medicine Labels” – How to Safely Use Green Chiretta Against COVID-19

“Read Medicine Labels” – How to Safely Use Green Chiretta Against COVID-19

Chula Pharmaceutical Science points out the benefits and cautious use of green chiretta to better understand the drug, urging consumers to pay attention to “medicine labels” to choose and use green chiretta effectively and safely.

Brugada Syndrome - A Silent and Deadly Threat to Thai Men

“Brugada Syndrome” A Silent and Deadly Threat to Thai Men

Medical research conducted at Chulalongkorn University showed that a considerable number of Thais carry the Brugara Syndrome gene. People with a family history of sudden death are recommended to observe for any risk symptoms and seek medical professionals for early diagnosis. Early treatment and prevention could reduce fatality rate. 

Chula Endorses Cultural Capital Development Model for Comprehensive Textile Weaving Upgrading Local Brands to Go International, Paving the Way for Cultural Tourism Routes While Promoting Sustainable Communities

Chula plays a part in developing the local economy by endorsing a systematic and comprehensive cultural capital development model from the creation of fiber and textile innovations to the design of lifestyle fashion items to promote the creative economy, provide added value to the fashion industry, and the production process by considering the creation of brands and competitors’ markets along with the creative tourism business to help generate income leading to sustainable community development.

Veterinary Expert Alongkorn Mahannop’s Urgent Plea to Society before Thai Elephants Exist only in our Memory

Renowned Thai veterinarian Dr. Alongkorn Mahannop who for close to five decades has dedicated his life to caring for elephants in Thailand has enumerated the problems faced by wild and domesticated Thai elephants. He has proposed systematic and sustainable solutions for these problems that all sectors, especially the tourism sector and the general public can help not only to ensure the survival of our elephants but also for the community economy and humanity in general.

Chula Emphasizes on the Effort to Drive the Thai Economy with Thai Soft Power Through Research and Innovation, Focusing on 2Ts for Cultural Empowerment

Chula Emphasizes on the Effort to Drive the Thai Economy with Thai Soft Power Through Research and Innovation, Focusing on 2Ts for Cultural Empowerment

Chula Marketing professor draws attention to the strengths and weaknesses that Thai entrepreneurs and related sectors should immediately address so that the Thai economy can soar with soft power while revealing Chula’s readiness to drive research and social innovation to create the leaders of the future and drive Thai soft power to the global society.

The Smart Suit that Saves Forest Fires Firefighters’ Lives – An International Award-Winning Design by Chula’s Engineering Students

The Smart Suit that Saves Forest Fires Firefighters’ Lives – An International Award-Winning Design by Chula’s Engineering Students

Students of the Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University have been awarded an MGA Award in recognition of their innovative design for their fire-resistant Smart Suit which uses IoT technology for connections and online activations to store data therefore reducing the risks and increasing the safety for firefighters at work in real time.

Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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