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Gowajee AI that can listen to and accurately transcribe speech.
Now available! ‘Tamsang-Tamsong On-Demand Delivery’ platform, a business model based on Social Solidarity Economy idea by a Chula researcher that supports community ownership and synergies, creates jobs, generates revenue, and reduces consumer costs. This New choice for consumers is now ready to expand to many communities across the country!
To keep abreast with the world of modern communication, the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University (Comm Arts Chula) is offering 2 brand new courses on creative media in the form of games through a cross-disciplinary approach alongside Chula Engineering and College of Public Health Sciences to create a media that’s accessible and appealing to the digital-age audience.
Free download! Gami +, a Google Classroom Add-on developed by a Chula faculty member is designed to help instructors create an online learning environment that’s as fun as playing games. Over 6,000 classrooms have been opened with as many as 120,000 real users.
A researcher from Chulalongkorn University’s Institute for Environmental Research has made it possible to transform used vegetable oil into potassium liquid soap that cleanses effectively, is water soluble, 100% biodegradable, and safe for the wastewater treatment system. The product can be a viable option to add value and increase community potential to handle used cooking oil. The researcher hopes that soon the product can also extend to insect control agents in organic farm plots.
Chula Veterinary Science Research supports dairy farmers to develop their product quality and brands as entrepreneurs of dairy farm businesses under “Saraburi Premium Milk” to stand competitive in the face of economic crisis.
The Veterinary Medical Aquatic Animal Research Center of Excellence (VMARCE), Chulalongkorn University has created Innovareef—lifelike cement-based structures, convenient for planula settlement and growth, accelerating recovery of the coral reef ecosystem, promoting eco-tourism as well as functioning as smart stations for marine environmental monitoring.
Chulalongkorn dental research reveals that Thais suffer more tooth loss than their foreign counterparts with 9 out of 100 Thais suffering the condition. One of the most important factors is hereditary gene abnormalities.
Lecturers of Chulalongkorn Business School (CBS) have developed the Chula Wealth Plus application to calculate savings and help with retirement planning accurately while encouraging people to plan for life after their retirement.
A lecturer and his research team from Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, have developed “FLAVO INNOVAC” nanovaccine for the prevention of bacterial gills diseases in freshwater fish species such as Tilapia and freshwater Asian sea bass. This nanovaccine is an effective solution that reduces the risk of death from diseases and the limitations of vaccine injections.
A researcher at the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University has come up with the idea of producing 100% Made-in-Thailand cat litter from cassava and aims to export it to the global market. The product effectively absorbs liquids and odors of cat urine, decomposes naturally, and is safe for cats and their owners. Coming up is sand for cat litter that indicates disease.
Developed by lecturers of the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University. EmpowerMe is a Chatbot-based career coach that enables learners to become digital citizens by developing future skill sets and suggests the right jobs needed by the market. The application has received a gold medal award in an innovation contest in South Korea.
Without a question, the world urgently needs to reduce carbon emissions to limit global warming. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that limiting global warming to 1.5°C will not lead to the immediate and deep emission reductions in all sectors. This is particularly true for the energy sector, which accounts for the largest volume of carbon emissions among all sectors. Addressing climate change will require changes in both energy demand and supply.
Chula Engineering launches a short course for the public “Metaverse Technology and Applications” to expand the learning framework, and keep people attuned to technological changes to meet the future needs of Thai society.
Chula joins hands with UNESCO to nurture tomorrow’s leaders with Futures Literacy skills to create a better world for today emphasizing the prime position it occupies as an educational institution that brings about changes in sustainable learning in the 21st century.
Chula Faculty of Science has developed bioproducts to clean up oil spills in the ocean from their research on oil-eating microbes while getting ready to expand to industrial-scale production for ecological sustainability.
Chulalongkorn University’s Halal Science Center links Thai kitchens to Muslim kitchens all over the world. Complete with its innovations and Halal standards of service to analyze and verify food products scientifically, the Center also complies with the sanctity required in Islamic law for the assurance of consumers both within and outside of Thailand.
Chula researchers collaborate with multidisciplinary researchers discovered the identity and attitude of Thai digital citizens, hoping to reduce the generation gap and creating understanding in society.
A team of researchers from Chula’s Faculty of Science has discovered extracts from young durians with as high anti-oxidants as vitamin C that help moisturize the skin with UV protection. They aim to produce skin care products as a way to help farmers to add value to their agricultural waste.
The number of atopic dermatitis patients is on the rise. Chula’s dermatologists advise patients and their families to understand the causes of this incurable disease by focusing on making adjustments, reducing the time spent in air-conditioned environments, and avoiding stress and sunlight while keeping the skin moisturized.
Moving forward as a leader in innovations to help society developsustainably.
Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable. Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.
Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University
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