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14 February 2023
Featured News
Writer Nitikarn Papronpat
On Thursday January 26, 2023, the delegation of the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2023 visited the Chula Zero Waste project. Prof. Dr. Narin Hiransuthikul, M.D., Vice President for Strategic Monitoring and Assessment, Planning, Budgeting and Well-being, delivered a welcome speech to the delegation, and Mr. Korb Limsuwan, Head of Energy and Environment Unit, Office of Physical Resources Management, Chulalongkorn University, gave a talk on the background, policy and significance of the Chula Zero Waste project. The event also featured a Muay Thai dance, as well as a tour on the CU Pop Shuttle Bus to see a waste sorting route and the garbage compression machine station. The delegation was treated to a scenic view within Chula and CU Centenary Park, a water- and community-oriented forest right in the heart of the city.
A collaboration between Chula’s Environmental Research Institute and the Office of Physical Resources Management with the mission to drive Chula towards becoming a world-class university in sustainability, especially in environmental problem management, Chula Zero Waste aims to achieve the goal of Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission by 2050. The project raises awareness in the lifestyle choices of Chula’s faculty, staff, and students, as well as students of CUID school and the surrounding communities, that have a positive impact on the environment.
Chula Zero Waste has received the cooperation from many parties in developing an efficient waste management system within and around the university, including hazardous and non-hazardous waste from operations and activities on campus. In its first 5 years, the project has vigorously implemented the concepts of environmentally friendly zero waste management and the 3Rs, which include Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, leading to an approximate 40% decrease in waste, which exceeded the original goal of 30%. This demonstrates the potential of pushing for a change in mentality and behavior regarding waste problems from beginning to end. The efforts have yielded positive impact on the environment, which will continuously benefit the Chula community and the public. The strategy of sharing and showing for the purpose of sustainable learning and collaborating corresponds well with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Follow Chula Zero Waste’s mission and activities at http://www.chulazerowaste.chula.ac.th/
or on Facebook: chulazerowaste and Twitter: chulazerowaste
For more information, please visit https://www.chula.ac.th/news/95183/
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