CU News

5G on 6 GHz Frequency Test in Chula Sandbox


Chula Unisearch, together with Huawei Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd., has assigned the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, to conduct a study on the use of 5G technology on the 6 GHz frequency band under the project “Experimental Study and Implementation of 5G Technology on 6 GHz Band” in March 2023. A field test has been conducted in the cases of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) to study the behavior and properties of the IMT 6 GHz band and IMT data transmission quality along with agencies in the Chula Sandbox area.

Executives and officers of the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) observed the IMT 6 GHz band test in Chula Sandbox.
Executives and officers of the Office of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) observed the IMT 6 GHz band test in Chula Sandbox.
A team from Advanced Info Service PCL. (AIS) participated in the IMT 6 GHz band test in Chula Sandbox.
A team from Advanced Info Service PCL. (AIS) participated in the IMT 6 GHz band test in Chula Sandbox.
National Telecom PCL. joined the field test of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) IMT 6GHz band in Chula Sandbox
National Telecom PCL. joined the field test of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) IMT 6GHz band in Chula Sandbox
  • The results were found to be satisfactory, especially for outdoor use (O2O), which could offer a download speed of more than 1Gbps, accounting for 72% of the test area (the bandwidth used for testing was 80Mbps). Even for indoor use (O2I), the download speed was 550Mbps on average. The 6 GHz band can therefore be used for mobile services with 5G technology and an upcoming technology such as 5.5G.
Officers from the Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission (ONDE) joined the field test of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) IMT 6 GHz band in Chula Sandbox.
Officers from the Office of the National Digital Economy and Society Commission (ONDE) joined the field test of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) IMT 6 GHz band in Chula Sandbox.
  • Representatives from companies and organizations from over 10 countries, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Bangladesh, participated in the IMT 6GHz test in Chula Sandbox via an online platform. The field test was conducted in the cases of Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) and Outdoor to Indoor (O2I) to study the behavior and properties of the IMT 6 GHz band. The results were satisfactory, especially for outdoor use (O2O), which could offer a download speed of more than 1Gbps, accounting for 72% of the test area (the bandwidth used for testing was 80Mbps). Even for indoor use (O2I), the download speed was 550Mbps on average. Therefore, the 6 GHz band can be used for mobile services with 5G technology and the upcoming technology such as 5.5G etc. For those who are interested, you can watch the recording of the test via ZOOM (available until the end of May 2023).

Studying the 6 GHz mid-band frequency is critical to ensure consistent connectivity, creating balance between service areas with coverage and capacity for the perfect environment for 5G connectivity. Expanding the bandwidth of 5G through the 6 GHz spectrum will increase bandwidth and improve overall network performance. Moreover, the wide and connected channels generated by the 6 GHz band will reduce the need for increased network density and make next-generation connectivity more organized for everyone involved.

Representatives from companies and organizations from over 10 countries, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Bangladesh, participated in the IMT 6GHz test in Chula Sandbox via an online platform.
Representatives from companies and organizations from over 10 countries, such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Japan, South Korea, and Bangladesh, participated in the IMT 6GHz test in Chula Sandbox via an online platform.

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.

Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University


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