CU News

Update to the Anti-Corruption Policy of Chulalongkorn University for the Fiscal Year 2023

Chulalongkorn University has updated its Anti-Corruption Policy for the fiscal year 2023, which has been approved at the Deans’ Meeting no. 18/2566 on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.  

An update to the Anti-Corruption Policy of Chulalongkorn University for the fiscal year 2023 came about because anti-corruption and anti-corrupt activities operations are important to the future of society at large and reflect good governance at the higher education institution level. It is also an improvement on the original policy issued in the fiscal year 2017 to cover anti-bribery and other anti-corruption activities, as well as demonstrate the commitment to pursuing its mission with honesty and transparency in accordance with the relevant laws as follows: 

Anti-Corruption Policy of Chulalongkorn University

Chulalongkorn University is dedicated to fulfilling its mission as a leading academic and professional institution.  It strives to excel in academia, generate knowledge through research and innovation, develop future leaders, and provide sustainable academic services to society. Additionally, the university aims to promote cultural heritage under the principles of good governance and social responsibility. It rejects the misuse of power and refrains from engaging in any actions that may result in undue benefits, whether for itself, individuals, or others, in violation of the law.  The university is committed to promoting the value of ‘upholding virtues” as an integral part of its organizational culture.  At all levels, the Chulalongkorn University community actively opposes all forms of corruption, taking both legal and disciplinary actions against those involved.

During the meeting of the university’s senior executives, held on 21/June/2026, the importance of combating corruption at Chulalongkorn University was recognized. Consequently, the following declaration was issued:

Guidelines for the Practices of University Administrators, Faculty, Staff, and Students:

  1. Be aware, understand, and adhere to the university’s policies against corruption, including laws, rules, regulations, announcements, and work guidelines, as well as rigorous preventive measures.
  2. Fulfill responsibilities to the best of one’s abilities, emphasizing efficiency, effectiveness, overall benefits, and the university’s interests. Maintain honesty, integrity, and transparency in accordance with academic and professional standards.
  3. Do not engage, directly or indirectly, in any form of corruption, complying with the anti-corruption policies, as well as the moral code for public officials and academic and professional ethical standards.
  4. Exercise caution in receiving or providing gifts, rewards, or any other benefits related to the performance of duties, including consent or acquiescence in such actions. Adhere to the strict “No Gift Policy” of the university throughout the year.
  5. Establish a risk management system and an internal control framework, supporting internal units to be aware of and develop an internal control culture. Assign units to evaluate and develop internal control plans with continuous monitoring and auditing by relevant agencies.
  6. Manage human resources with respect for human rights, gender equality, and diversity in all dimensions, without discrimination or limitation of any benefits, directly or indirectly.
  7. Incorporate ethics training and communication in the curriculum or activities of public officials within the organization to enhance knowledge and understanding of measures against corruption.
  8. Establish channels for individuals to report complaints regarding corruption and unethical conduct of officials within the organization, separate from general complaint channels, to protect the identity of informants and align with the guidelines for managing complaints of corruption and unethical conduct.
  9. Any action that violates or does not comply with this policy, whether directly or indirectly, will be subject to disciplinary action as specified by the university regulations or may incur legal penalties.

This is effective from 27 June 2023 onwards.

(Professor Bundhit Eua arporn, Ph.D.)
President of Chulalongkorn University

Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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