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Chulalongkorn University Presents Chula SDG Program at IWGM 2023 in Braga, Portugal


On June 15 -17, 2023, the Chula Sustainability team, led by Mrs. Supaporn Chanchamroen, Vice President for Human Resource and Organization Development, Prof. Dr. Narin Hiransuthikul, Vice President for Strategic Monitoring and Assessment, Planning, Budgeting and Well-being, and Prof. Dr. Boonchai Stitmannaithum, Director of the CU Transformations Project, gave a poster presentation at the 9th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2023) in Braga, Portugal. The workshop was organized by the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network (UIGWURN) with the University of Minho, the national coordinator for Portugal, as the host. The event was held under the theme of “Innovation, Impacts and Future Direction of Sustainable.”

Chula Sustainability’s presentation was on Chula SDG: Beyond Leading Change, which Chulalongkorn University’s Office of Human Resources Management has organized in conjunction with the Chief Transformation and Strategic Office (CTS) with the purpose of driving the university’s strategy and mission to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This program is designed to forge a connection between knowledge, as well as the current work, and the Sustainable Development Goals. This is to reflect the vision that sees every personnel as playing an integral part to the university’s true sustainable development.

The Chula SDG: Beyond Leading Change program has been continuously developed since 2021. The program is committed to 1) laying the foundations and creating understanding of sustainable development (SDGs); 2) fostering empathy and critical thinking with a goal of discovering common interests; 3) developing methods of building credibility and making appealing pitches, such as by using statistics, anecdotes, examples, quotes from experts, etc. Students are grouped together based on interests and share their efforts in order to achieve their goals. This program has demonstrated many aspects of organizational operations that can be improved, as can be seen from the projects created by students in each year, which are interesting and have the potential for further development. Such projects include garbage sorting spots in the Office of Academic Resources building, a campaign to encourage people to exercise by using the arts and cultural learning locations on campus, and a system and communication development to manage food waste within residential buildings.

It can be said that Chula SDG: Beyond Leading Change is Thailand’s first human resource development program that focuses on sustainable development at the university level. The program also has the potential to be adapted for other organizations in the future.

Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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