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Inspirational Talk with Pushkar Shah

The Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at Chulalongkorn University, is pleased to invite you to an inspirational talk with Pushkar Shah, the world cyclist and Mount Everest summiteer, on Thursday, November 23, 2023.  The talk will take place from 13:00 to 16:00 hrs. at the Main Conference Hall, Engineering Building 3, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. 

Pushkar Shah is an inspiration to us all.  Despite facing many challenges, he has achieved incredible things in his life and is a living example of what is possible when we set our minds to something and never give up.  In his talk, Pushkar will share his story and insights on how we can achieve our goals, no matter how difficult.  Also included will be a discussion on the importance of perseverance, resilience, inner peace, and the power of the human spirit. 

The talk will be introduced by Emeritus Professor Dr. Thongchai Panswad, advisor to the Thailand Walking and Cycling Institute (TWCI) and a pioneer in the use of bicycles in Bangkok, and moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dao Suwansang Janjaroen and Dr. Win Trivitayanurak. 

Join us for this free, motivational event!  It is open to the public, so don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from one of the most inspiring people in the world.  We invite you to attend and be captivated by Pushkar’s extraordinary story. 

Pushkar Shah 

World Cyclist/Mount Everest Summiteer 
“Around the world on an empty pocket” 

This is a successful history of a man with extraordinary passion and courage with a kind heart for the peaceful coexistence of the entire human race in the 21st century. Pushkar Shah is a man with zeal, compassion, strength and high intellect.  He always talks about peace, harmony, and coexistence.  He is also a dream lover for world peace, a true hero, and “The Global Peace Ambassador”.  It was August 1998, when his journey began with the seed money of just 100 Rupee (USD 1.00) from his mother.  He completed his world Cycle tour in all continents of the globe in 11 years. Pushkar Shah is an example and an inspiration to all mankind who proved that a person, with enough determination, can do anything in the world. 

Born in a remote village of Nepal, stated on a foothill of The Himalayas, he grew up as a young man and experienced first-hand what it is like to lose his father to senseless violence. Later, as a college student, he took great pride in his involvement as a Peace Activist in the student movement for democracy.  He was arrested, beaten, tortured and was even shot in the hand during the people’s movement in 1990. 

Though he faced many hardships and challenges during his journey, he never failed to convince the people he met to understand the importance of peace and humanity on this earth. During his journey, he experienced several life-threatening and thrilling situations. He was robbed 11 times, mugged 9 times, kidnapped once, and almost murdered twice.  Adding to the experience, his bicycle was stolen once and he was proposed for marriage 11 times in different countries.  Nevertheless, nothing could stop Pushkar Shah to change his mind and he continued on his journey until he reached his destination. 

His message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” was observed by many people he met around the world. He says he had the unique fortune of experiencing incredible warmth, friendship, hospitality and exchange of knowledge and ideas with people the world over and is convinced that the goodness of humanity is still alive and well and knows no geographic bounds. 

He pedaled his cycle for 221,000 km in 11 years, equivalent to the distance of 5 1/2 around the Earth.  During his journey he was able to touch 5 continents and 150 nations, experiencing the different nature, environment, language, and food every step of the way. When he completed his cycling, he collected 192 national flags, including the UN flag.  At the final announcement of his world cycling tour success, on 17 May 2010, he was on top of the world at Mount Everest with the colorful flags from the different nations. 

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.

Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University


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