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CHULA: No Gift Policy – Creating a Culture of Transparency to Prevent Corruption

Chula No Gift Policy - Creating a Culture of Transparency to Prevent Corruption

Chulalongkorn University has publicly announced the implementation of its No Gift Policy for the 2024 fiscal year with these statements. 

CHULA believes in justice and transparency  

The University is determined to create a culture of transparency and prevent corruption by implementing the “No Gift Policy” reaffirming the principles it upholds in its Core Values of Integrity in the Chula community.   

What constitutes the No Gift Policy? 

“The ‘No Gift Policy’ is a directive that stipulates that ‘all university executives and personnel shall neither accept nor offer any assets, gifts, rewards, or other benefits as a result of performing their duties, whether before, during, or after the execution of said duties. This is to prevent corruption and unethical behavior.'”

This policy was created to promote a culture of responsibility and accountability and to prevent conflicts of interest in accordance with the cabinet resolution passed on December 8, 2020. 

What is the significance of the “No Gift Policy”? 

  1. To increase transparency 
  2. To prevent corruption 
  3. To preserve and equality for all stakeholders 

What the “No Gift Policy” entails: 

  1. Not receiving or giving any gifts, presents or benefits in return for performing one’s duty 
  2. Following the law regarding policies and other relevant laws  
  3. Using social practices as an expression for congratulations, appreciation or welcome in lieu of gift-giving   


The University’s administration and supervising officers at all levels must conduct themselves in an examplary manner in the adoption of this policy.  They must report the gifts received in connection with their work performance as part of the ITA (Integrity and Transparency Assessment) each fiscal year along with a report of the general picture by September 30 of each fiscal year. 

Towards a future that pays greater attention to justice and transparency 

Chulalongkorn University is fully committed to becoming an institution of justice, transparency and responsibility towards society as well as humanity.  With the “No Gift Policy” in place we can continue to drive this spirit of determination while upholding the virtues if integrity.  

The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping.

Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University


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