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“I am able.” Asian Congress for People with Special Needs Conference Organized by Chula Faculty of Education and People Go Network Forum

I am able

The Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, in collaboration with People Go Network Forum, organized the “I am able” Asian Congress for People with Special Needs Conference from February 22 to 25, 2024, at Umpai Sucharitkul meeting room, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siridej Sujiva, Dean of the Faculty of Education, gave a welcome speech at the opening ceremony. At the press conference of the event, Mr. Thomas Kraus, creator of the Congress for People with Special Needs conferences, explained the background of the conference afterwhich Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasilak Khayankij, from the Faculty of Education, member of the conference steering committee and representative of People Go Network Forum, outlined the themes and activities in the conference before Asst. Prof. Dr. Chanisa Tantixalerm, member of the steering committee, presented an update on the progress of improving the quality of life and career for people with special needs and people with disabilities. Lastly, representatives of people with special needs shared their experience gained from participating in the conferences of the Congress for People with Special Needs.

The Congress for People with Special Needs conference was first held in 2012, and this year’s conference marked its 5th and its elevation to be Asian Congress for People with Special Needs Conference. The target group has been expanded to people with all types of disabilities and those who need mental support. The objectives of the conference are to create a social space where people with special needs are listened to, can exchange ideas, and enhance their individual potentials. The conference also allows participants from within and outside the country to share their knowledge, build networks, and study the culture of quality living. It also aims to raise awareness in Thai and global communities on how to live harmoniously with and maintain the quality of life of people with special needs and people with disabilities. Moreover, the event helps build a network of people associated with those with special needs, thus creating a learning community to expand anthroposophical knowledge on caring for and improving the potential of said groups. The conference was attended by 175 participants, including 73 participants with special needs from various countries, e.g., Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, India, etc.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasilak Khayankij announced that the theme of this year’s Asian Congress for People with Special Needs Conference, I am able,” aims to communicate that those with special needs or with disabilities are capable of working, both for money and for their own emotional fulfilment.

“The people with special needs in attendance are all over 15 years old, so they are not children. We’re creating a space for these people with special needs to grow for their potential; we’re not babying them like parents or guardians. We also provide attitude adjustment for parents so that they can fully realize their abilities. We believe that the spirits of people with special needs are complete, but they happen to be in defective bodies, unable to speak, see or hear. Having a space in society will help them express their ideas. This is not a camp, but each activity will wake them up, let them grow, and give them ideas on how to live,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasilak.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sasilak also explained that an important obstacle to developing the potential of people with special needs or disabilities in Thailand where Thai society is sympathetic but uninformed. Several research works have indicated that people with special needs require understanding, so society needs to learn what is needed for people with physical deficiencies and how to support them. Another factor to the isolation or exclusion of such people from society is fear. Hence, the Congress for People with Special Needs conference emphasizes harmonious living and space in society.

The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping.

Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University


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