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11 April 2024
Featured News, Research & Innovation, International Partnerships
Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, in collaboration with Chulalongkorn University’s College of Population Studies and Institute of Asian Studies, Chula Ari, and World Bank, organized a workshop on “Developing Thai Family Stability to Fight Human Crisis” on March 7, 2024, at Plenary Hall 1, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa, gave the opening speech and offered his insights on the policies on the human crisis situation.
The workshop was organized to raise awareness of population challenges that significantly affect the quality of life of people in every age group and the country’s sustainable development. The event also allowed every sector to collaborate in designing policies and measures to drive the development of Thai family stability towards human security. The workshop was attended by over 300 participants, including the executives of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and various other related ministries, distinguished experts, scholars, academic institutions, government agencies, private businesses, NGOs and the civil society, as well as international corporations, media, and influencers.
Prof. Dr. Vipan Prachuabmoh, Dean of the College of Population Studies and Head of Chula Ari, explained the brainstorming session through the World Café format. Afterwards, the participants were divided into 5 small brainstorming groups, namely children and youth, working age adults, the elderly, disabled and underprivileged, and the ecosystem to support family stability, to co-design policies and measures.
Mr. Varawut Silpa-archa, Minister of Social Development and Human Security, said that the structure of the Thai population is seeing a decrease in the number of children and working age adults but a rapid increase in the number of the elderly. As a result, Thailand will likely face the crisis of labor shortage increasing dependency of the elderly. Advances in technology have resulted in changes in the working styles and attitudes of the new generation. There is an upward trend of gig workers, who earn uncertain income, need to shoulder the risks both in life and in their careers. On the other hand, the elderly are still working due to economic necessity, with not enough savings and no children to look after them. In addition, there are children and youth who have dropped out of the education system and are unemployed, most of whom are from low-income families. Information from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) revealed that “educational inequality” remains a long-term major problem in Thai society. The government and all sectors in society need to be more alert in determining or designing policies that will increase labor income. Moreover, the potential of people of every age must be developed to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for today’s world and consistent with the needs of the modern labor market. They also need to learn and prioritize behavior adjustment, especially in terms of financial management or savings.
Mr. Varawut added that the aforementioned situations have made it the Ministry’s urgent mission to design policies and measures and determine the directions to push the mission in line with future economic and social challenges and changes. The aim is to prevent and solve the problems arising from human crisis that will affect human security. After the workshop, the Ministry will present a white paper on “Developing Thai Family Stability to Fight Human Crisis” to the cabinet within April 2024 for approval before presenting to the 57th Session of Commission on Population and Development (CPD57) at the United Nations Headquarters, in New York City during April 29 – May 3, 2024.
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Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.
Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
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