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Chulalongkorn University Organizes “King Rama IX’s Royal Music Memorial Day” to Honor His Majesty the King on the Auspicious Occasion of His 72nd Birthday, Commemorating King Rama IX’s Musical Performances at the University 

Chulalongkorn University Organizes “King Rama IX’s Royal Music Memorial Day” to Honor His Majesty the King on the Auspicious Occasion of His 72nd Birthday, Commemorating King Rama IX's Musical Performances at the University 

Chulalongkorn University organized the “King Rama IX’s Royal Music Memorial Day” event on September 20, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Chulalongkorn University Auditorium to honor His Majesty the King on the auspicious occasion of his 72nd birthday and to commemorate the benevolence and musical talent of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great (King Rama IX), who performed music at Chulalongkorn University from 1958 to 1973. Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat, President of Chulalongkorn University, presided over the opening ceremony. 

Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat
Acting President, Chulalongkorn University
Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat
Acting President, Chulalongkorn University
Chulalongkorn University Organizes “King Rama IX’s Royal Music Memorial Day” to Honor His Majesty the King on the Auspicious Occasion of His 72nd Birthday, Commemorating King Rama IX's Musical Performances at the University

This year’s event featured performances of His Majesty King Bhumibol’s compositions and other melodious pieces by the CU Band and OCU Band alumni. There was also a special performance by the Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Secondary School’s Wind Ensemble and a ballet performance set to the composition “Kinnaree Suite” by the Department of Dance, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University. This ballet performance was inspired by the royal dance drama “Manohra,” performed under royal patronage at the 1962 Red Cross Fair at Suan Amporn. Donations at the event were made to the Ananda Mahidol Foundation, following the tradition of previous years. 

The event began with performances by the CU Band, singing royal compositions such as “Sadu-Dee Jom Racha,” “Dok Ruang Phueng,” “Yam Yen (Love at Sundown),” and “Sai Fon (Falling Rain).” The ballet performance by students from the Department of Dance, in collaboration with the CU Band, featured pieces like “Nature Waltz,” “The Hunter,” and “Kinnaree Suite” ballet.” There were also collaborative performances with the Demonstration Secondary School’s Wind Ensemble on pieces such as “March of the Royal Marines,” and “Royal Guards March.” 

Later in the event, the OCU Band performed a collection of songs including “Sadu-Dee Phra Mae Thai,” “Phra Borom Ratchinee Ming Kwan Duang Jai,” “Phra Ming Kwan Chula,” “Chata Chiwit,” “Tewa Pa Koo Fan,” “Klai Roong,” “Oh I Say,” “Chamchuri Pradap Jai,” “Petch Chompoo,” and “Rom Chamchuri CU Polka.” The event concluded with a joint performance of the royal composition “When” by the CU Band and OCU Band. 

The “King Rama IX’s Royal Music Memorial Day” originated from a benevolent gesture on the part of the late King Bhumibol’s in 1957 when Chulalongkorn University faculty and students requested an audience with the King to offer their felicitations on the occasion of the birth of Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Walailak on July 4, 1957. King Bhumibol granted this audience on September 6, 1957, at Suan Amporn Dance Hall. Later, the King informed Mr. Santhat Tanthanand, then head of Chulalongkorn’s music club, that he would bring his ensemble to perform at Chulalongkorn University, marking the first “Music Day” on July 16, 1958. 

King Bhumibol continued performing music at Chulalongkorn University from 1958 to 1973. Due to increasing royal duties, the King was unable to continue the tradition at the university. However, Chulalongkorn University has commemorated this event annually on September 20 as part of its official calendar. 

Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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