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Chulalongkorn University Declares “No Gift Policy” to Enhance Governance and Combat Corruption

Chulalongkorn University Declares "No Gift Policy" to Enhance Governance and Combat Corruption

Chulalongkorn University has officially announced its No Gift Policy for the fiscal year 2025, signed by the President, Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat. The policy aims to align with the Cabinet’s directive to promote a transparent and corruption-free public administration system, fostering a culture of rejecting gifts at all levels.

This initiative seeks to prevent corruption, strengthen governance, and ensure transparency in the university’s operations. Activities such as meetings, seminars, and policy dissemination are being conducted to raise awareness and ensure strict compliance by all staff.

  • Prohibition on giving or receiving gifts, benefits, or gratuities related to official duties, whether before, during, or after performing such duties.
  • If accepting gifts for maintaining goodwill is necessary, it must be reported to the supervisor within 30 days.
  • Internal activities, such as New Year gift exchanges, are permitted under appropriate conditions.

This policy reflects Chulalongkorn University’s commitment to combating corruption and fostering a transparent organizational culture.

Chulalongkorn University Declares "No Gift Policy" to Enhance Governance and Combat Corruption

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.

Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University


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