CU News

Chulalongkorn University Announcement on Guidelines for the Screening and Monitoring of COVID-19/ Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19/ Names of Countries or Administrative Areas at Risk of COVID-19 Infection (Dated 26 February 2020)

Guidelines for the Screening and Monitoring of COVID-19

Under the authority of Articles 32 of the Chulalongkorn University Act B.E. 2551 in conjunction with Item 2 of Chulalongkorn University’s Announcement on Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19 dated 26 February 2020, the University has deliberated and considered it appropriate to issue the following guidelines for the screening and monitoring of COVID-19:

  1. Students or staff members who have traveled to or transited at countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 and returned to Thailand between 26 February 2020 and 19 April 2020 are obligated to go for screening and monitoring for COVID-19 within three (3) days from the date of arrival.
  2. The students or staff members are required to register via QR Code shown at the end of this announcement before the departure date and, once having arrived back in Thailand, to go for screening and monitoring for COVID-19 at the Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center on the date and time and at the place as indicated.
  3. The students or staff members may undergo screening at another medical facility and bring the physician’s report to the Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center for verification. They are advised to register via QR Code shown at the end of this announcement as soon as possible.
  4. The students or staff members shall refrain from going to classes or work until they undergo the screening and monitoring for COVID-19 in accordance with this announcement.
  5. After undergoing infection screening and monitoring in accordance with this announcement, the students or staff members are obligated to inform and produce a physician’s report to their section head or the supervising vice president as soon as possible.
  6. Once informed of the screening and monitoring for COVID-19, the section head or the supervising vice president shall consult the physician’s report and decide whether to order the students or staff members to take a leave of absence. Where appropriate, permission shall be granted to the said students or staff members to take a leave of absence until their symptoms are fully treated or for 14 days from the day of their arrival to Thailand.

QR Code:

Registration form for “Screening COVID-19”
at Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center

Registration form for “Screening COVID-19”
in case students or staff members may undergo screening  at another medical facility

Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19

With reference to the University’s announcement on Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19 dated 19 February 2020, it has now been established that the infection has continued to spread unabated. Furthermore, the Ministry of Public Health has declared COVID-19 to be a dangerous infectious disease. The University has realized that danger and serious damages may occur. It is therefore necessary to implement additional measures to prevent the spread of such infection to ensure the health of students and staff as well as members of their families is not affected.

The University hereby invokes the authority under Articles 32, 77 and 86 of the Chulalongkorn University Act B.E. 2551 in conjunction with Item 15, third paragraph, of the Prime Minister’s Office Regulations on Leave of Absence for Government Officials B.E. 2555 and Item 10, second paragraph, of Chulalongkorn University’s Regulations on Leave of Absence for University Employees B.E. 2562 and declares the following:

  1. The University’s announcement on Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19 dated 19 February 2020 is revoked forthwith.
  2. Permission shall not be granted to students or staff members to travel to or transit at countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 infection as designated by the University from 26 February 2020 until 19 April 2020.
  3. Where permission has already been granted for students or staff members to travel to countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 infection prior to this announcement, such permission shall be cancelled from the date of this announcement until 19 April 2020. Any authorized expenses actually incurred prior to this announcement shall be reimbursed.
  4. Students or staff members shall avoid making overseas trips and refrain from traveling to countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 infection in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection and to demonstrate social responsibility from now until 19 April 2020.
  5. Students or staff members, who have traveled to or transited at countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 infection and arrived back in Thailand before or on 19 April 2020, regardless of whether such trips were work-related or personal, are obligated to go for screening and monitoring for infection in the first instance at Chulalongkorn University Health Service Center or medical facilities with equivalent standard of quality for infection screening and monitoring within three (3) days of arrival and report the results to the section head or the supervising vice president as the case may be in accordance with the guidelines announced by the University.

    If infection or risk of infection of COVID-19 has been diagnosed, the section head or the supervising vice president as the case may be shall – based on the physician’s report – order the person(s) to refrain from going to classes or work and to receive full treatment or be monitored for 14 days after returning to Thailand.

    Such absence from classes or work as stated in the second paragraph shall not be counted as absence or leave days only for those trips that were taken on the University’s business. For other cases, the students or staff members in question shall take personal or sick leave as the case may be.

    The section head or the supervising vice president, who has ordered a student or staff member to take leave for the purpose of being monitored for infection as stated in the second paragraph, may assign tasks to the person while on leave for symptom monitoring purposes.

    Information regarding the screening and monitoring for COVID-19 infection of students or staff members shall be kept confidential.
  6. Invitations to overseas guests to participate in academic activities, conferences, seminars or any other activities concerning the University between now and 19 April 2020 shall be cancelled or postponed. Any authorized expenses actually incurred prior to this announcement shall be reimbursed.
  7. Section heads or the supervising vice presidents shall consider cancelling or postponing any activities that involve a large number of people until 19 April 2020.
  8. Non-compliance to this announcement or lawful orders of superiors in accordance with this announcement represents a breach or serious breach of discipline, as the case may be, and carries legal consequences.

This announcement takes effect immediately.

Names of Countries or Administrative Areas at Risk of COVID-19 Infection

Under the authority of Articles 32 of the Chulalongkorn University Act B.E. 2551 in conjunction with Item 2 of Chulalongkorn University’s Announcement on Protective Measures Against the Spread of COVID-19 dated 26 February 2020, the University hereby designates the countries in the following list as countries or administrative areas at risk of COVID-19 infection:

  1. The Republic of Korea (South Korea)
  2. The People’s Republic of China
  3. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
  4. The Macau Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
  5. Japan
  6. Taiwan
  7. Malaysia
  8. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  9. The Republic of Singapore
  10. The Italian Republic
  11. The Islamic Republic of Iran

Announced on 26 February 2020

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.

Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University


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