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Chulalongkorn University Announcement on Guidelines for Instructional Management under an Extraordinary Circumstance as a Result of COVID-19 Infection Outbreaks (No. 2) (Dated 12 March 2020)

With reference to Chulalongkorn University Announcement on Guidelines for Instructional Management under an Extraordinary Circumstance as a Result of COVID-19 Infection Outbreaks dated 5 March 2020, it has now been established that Thailand is likely to have an increasing number of infected persons. The University is concerned about the health and well-being of students and staff members as well as anyone else associated with learning and instruction. Consequently, to ensure that the instructional management for the second semester of the 2019 academic year proceed with orderliness and efficiency, the University hereby announces additional guidelines as follows:

1.  The University requests that instructors consider offering online instruction for all courses as soon as possible either on a real-time basis or with pre-recorded image and audio files.

2. For each individual course in which a hundred students or more have registered for a specific section, online instruction shall be provided at that section, starting from 23 March 2020 until the end of the course.

            Where appropriate, instructors may organize online instruction at an earlier time than stated in the above paragraph.

3.  For practice courses, instructors should modify their instruction to suit the situation, but ensure that it cover all essential contents, performances and program learning outcomes (PLOs) according to the description of each individual course as indicated in the TQF 2. However, every effort should be made to reduce or avoid activities deemed at risk of COVID-19 infection.

4.  With regard to the final exam of the 2019 academic year, instructors are requested to consider making changes to the learning measurement and evaluation criteria as appropriate for each subject and situation, and disregard the 80% attendance requirement for exam eligibility. Instructors may consider employing alternative measurement and evaluation criteria of equal effectiveness in place of traditional examination to avoid crowding together in a closed space, for example, online evaluation, assignments, reports, take-home exams, or periodic measurement and evaluation throughout the course. Such a plan of action should be completed together with the instructional management as soon as possible. Instructors are urged to communicate with their students to ensure they understand the need for such changes under this extraordinary circumstance.

5.  Where difficulty arises from implementing the guidelines under this announcement, the relevant dean or section head shall have the discretion to resolve the situation as appropriate.

Apropos, the University has prepared a support system for online instruction. Instructors may request such services from the Learning Innovation Center, the Office of Academic Resources, or the academic service section of relevant faculty or institute. Additional information may be requested through the hotline at 064-224-1591 or the Help desk link — — or 02-218-0242


Chula is the place to discover one’s true individuality and the years I spent here were most enjoyable.

Rossukhon Kongket Alumni, Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University


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