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22 March 2020
Chulalongkorn University Announcement, Featured News
With reference to Chulalongkorn University Directive No. 1745/ 2563 on Compliance with the Resolution from the Cabinet Meeting on March 17, 2020, dated March 17, 2020, since it has become increasingly apparent that the spread of COVID-19 virus has reached the point of a pandemic as announced by the World Health Organization with numbers of infected persons escalating continuously, and since the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has issued its Announcement Ordering the Temporary Closure of Various Places (No. 2) dated March 21, 2020 stating that educational institutions of all levels be closed, the University hereby announces measures to reduce the opportunities for the virus to spread to its students, staff and the general public as well as to ensure that the operations of Chulalongkorn University proceed with orderliness and efficiency.
By virtue of Section 27 and Section 32 of the Chulalongkorn University Act B.E. 2551, the University therefore issues the following announcement:
1. That the University will temporarily close its offices located in the Bangkok Metropolis temporarily for a period of 22 days from March 22, 2020 to April 12, 2020.
2. Students and staff are requested to refrain from leaving their place of residence, going to public places or engaging unnecessarily in social contact with other individuals, and to take responsibility in closely following all news and information announced by the University.
3. That all instruction be offered via online format. If there is evaluation and assessment during the period of this announcement, instructors shall avoid examination in an exam room or congregating in a group, and consider employing alternative evaluation and assessment methods such as online examinations, assignments, reports or take-home examinations. Such aforementioned statement shall also apply to periodical assessment and evaluation during the time instructions are carried out.
4. Unless determined otherwise, staff should perform their work tasks from their homes and be ready to be contacted or to receive instructions from their superintendents or persons involved in the task being performed. They should also continue to adhere strictly to discipline and order in their work. The relevant section head or the supervising Vice President shall assign work tasks for the staff to complete as deemed appropriate and must see to it that it causes the least impact to the University’s operations.
5. In cases where the work concerns the maintenance of safety and security, screening of COVID-19 virus, monitoring students in the university dormitory or any other task determined by the University or their work section, the staff member should report to work only as necessary. In such cases, the relevant section head or the supervising Vice President shall modify the days or times that such staff-members report to work in a manner that is appropriate and congruous with the situation.
6. In cases where it is necessary so as not to cause damage to the University or a work section, the relevant section head or the supervising Vice President may organize a meeting or consultation session via electronic media or instruct any staff-member to report for work as deemed necessary.
7. The relevant section head or the supervising Vice President may determine details or guidelines for staff-members under their direction to carry out as congruous with the announcement.
8. In cases where there is a problem or complication in the implementation of this announcement, the relevant section head or the supervising Vice President shall have the final decision in determining the outcome.
This announcement shall remain in effect from March 22, 2020 until April 12, 2020 or until further announcement of any changes.
Announced on March 21, 2020.
(Professor Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn) President
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Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public. Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.
Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
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