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15 December 2020
Chulalongkorn University Announcement
Following Chulalongkorn University’s Announcement on the guidelines for instruction, course management, measurement and evaluation for the First Semester of Academic Year 2020 and the continued careful alert for COVID-19, the University has adapted and put to action new practices for instruction, course management, measurement and evaluation during the period of new normal. In order to maintain the efficiency and standards of education, accommodate students’ ways of learning in the New Normal, and adhere to the COVID-19 prevention measures, the following guidelines for instruction, course management, measurement and evaluation will be implemented during the Second Semester and Summer Session of Academic Year 2020:
1. Instructions
(1) For theoretical courses or seminars, instructors shall focus on blended learning, providing ways for students to learn on their own anytime and anywhere (Asynchronous Learning) and providing ways for the entire class to discuss and learn together at the same time (Synchronous Learning), with appropriate proportions that match the nature of the courses.
(a) In the case of Asynchronous Learning, the objectives for the students’ self-learning must be clearly defined.
(b) In the case of Synchronous Learning, instructions should not be one-way lectures by instructors, but rather be focused on mutual learning between students and instructors, such as discussions, problem solving, and problem-based learning.
(2) For practicums, instructors shall use blended learning techniques, using Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as MyCourseville, Blackboard or Google Classroom, together with practical applications in the real world. Instructors are encouraged to consider the proportions of LMS applied based on necessity and flexibility in teaching.
Practicums include courses requiring a single or group practice, such as studio skills, performance ensembles, clinical courses, or subjects with similar characteristics.
(3) In the case of synchronous and virtual learning, such as Zoom, MS Team or Google Meet, instructors shall organize classes during the normal course periods. If it is necessary to arrange the courses outside normal hours, instructors and students shall mutually agree on the appropriate date and time.
2. Internships, field trips or domestic study tours
(1) Each work section may offer internships, field trips or domestic study tours for each course as usual. However, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as prescribed by the government, the University, and/or professional councils.
(2) Each work section may consider canceling internships, field trips or domestic study tours not specified in the TQF1 (Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education), and substitute the cancelation with other activities to maintain the completeness and objectives of the courses.
(3) Each work section may consider adjusting the time period of the internships, field trips or domestic study tours for each course as follows:
(a) Shorten the period of the internships, field trips or study tours as necessary based on situations of the COVID-19-19 pandemic.
(b) Spread out the internships, field trips, or study tours to several periods as appropriate based on situations without affecting the outcome and students’ health and safety.
(c) Switch the periods of internships, field trips, or study tours with regular courses originally designed and outlined in the TQF 2.
(4) Each work section may consider adjusting the frameworks of internships, field trips, or domestic study tours for each course as appropriate by coordinating with businesses and professional organizations.
The cancelation or adjustment of time periods of the internships, field trips, or domestic study tours shall not affect the course standards or requirements of each professional council.
For any academic activities or projects in which university students or personnel must travel abroad or students or personnel from abroad must enter the Kingdom of Thailand, the announcements or orders of other universities must be strictly observed.
3. Measurement and Evaluation
Each work section may hold an examination for enrollment for their respective courses as necessary. Consideration shall be given to the number of examinees per room, as well as readiness and capabilities of flexibility in venue management.
4. In case there is the need to proceed with articles 1-3, using the premises within the University, each work section must put in measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as prescribed by the government, the University, and/or professional councils as follows:
(1) Set up check points for measurement of body temperature and check-in via Thai Chana application before access to the premises or university buildings is granted;
(2) Students must wear masks throughout the classes;
(3) Practice social distancing between participants;
(4) Provide adequate disinfection devices and hand sanitizers;
(5) Arrange for regular cleaning of the premises, teaching equipment and all classroom devices.
Instructors may remove their masks while teaching, but all used equipment, such as microphones, computers and other devices must be disinfected after every class.
5. Each work section shall designate responsible personnel for activities in 1-3, which must include all academic activities related to the classes, such as student orientation, preparatory exams for work operation; and assign physical and related systems in accordance with the announcements or orders from the government and the University.
6. To implement this announcement, each work section head may specify additional details as deemed appropriate.
7. In case of problems in the implementation of this announcement, the head of each work section shall discuss with the COVID-19 Emergency Operation Center Committee, before further decisions.
As the nation’s COVID-19 situation remains under watch, any required changes and updates will be announced promptly and directly by Chulalongkorn University.
Given on: December 15, 2020
(Prof. Dr. Bundhit Eua-arporn)
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The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping. Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University
The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping.
Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University
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