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27 June 2021
Chulalongkorn University Announcement
With reference to Chulalongkorn University Announcement regarding Extension of Temporary Closure of Offices, Class Management and General Operations during the Spread of the COVID-19 Outbreak (No.3) dated June 8, 2021 resulting in extending the temporary closure of its workplace in and outside the Bangkok Metropolis until July 4, 2021 and requesting all students and personnel to continue to strictly comply with Chulalongkorn University Announcement regarding Temporary Closure of Offices, Class Management and General Operations during the Spread of the COVID-19 Outbreak dated April 8, 2021;
Due to an unprecedented situation concerning the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak where the virus has mutated into new variants and intensified the levels of infection, Chulalongkorn University is extremely concerned about the situation and measures are being implemented with the safety and well-being of all members of the Chula community in mind. In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak among its students and university personnel as well as to ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation of the University;
By virtue of Section 27 and Section 32 of the Chulalongkorn University Act, B.E. 2551 (2008), it is therefore deemed appropriate to issue the following announcement:
1. To extend the closure of the workplaces within and outside the Bangkok Metropolis from July 5, 2021 to August 1, 2021.
2. All students and personnel are requested to continue to strictly comply with Chulalongkorn University Announcement regarding Temporary Closure of Offices, Class Management and General Operations during the Spread of the COVID-19 Outbreak dated April 8, 2021.
3. During the period of closure of offices as specified in number 1 university personnel and students who shall reside in or enter the university for the purpose of work, research or thesis and dissertation activities as approved or permitted on campus may do so only if they have been vaccinated with at least the first AstraZeneca inoculation or both doses for the Sinovac vaccine, whichever applies, for a duration of no less than 14 days.
If a necessity arises or if there is any reason other than what has been specified in the first clause of this announcement the supervising Section Head or Vice President in charge shall present that particular case with reasons furnished to University’s COVID-19 Committee for consideration.
4. Permission or approval for university personnel or students to travel upcountry to carry out work or research will be given only after he or she has received the first AstraZeneca
inoculation or both doses for the Sinovac vaccine whichever applies, for a duration of no less than 14 days before the date of travel. Moreover, once permission or approval has been granted the university personnel or student is required to strictly comply with the COVID-19 prevention measures implemented by the government or relevant agencies in the area he or she is travelling to.
This announcement shall be taken into effect from July 5, 2021 and if the situation changes an announcement will be made accordingly by the University.
Given on: June 27, 2021.
(Professor Bundhit Eua-Arporn, Ph.D.)
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Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public. Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.
Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
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