CU News

CU Symphony Orchestra Concert to Celebrate CU’s 105th

CU Symphony Orchestra Concert to Celebrate CU’s 105th

Join us to celebrate Chulalongkorn University’s 105th year of establishment with music that transcends through time.  Chulalongkorn University proudly invites all to come to the “Chulalongkorn University Symphony Orchestra” concert, a performance by the CU Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Assistant Professor Dr. Nora-ath Chanklum.  The concert will be on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 7:30 P.M., at the Chulalongkorn University Auditorium. 

Concert Program:

⦁ Johann Strauss II:  Die Fledermaus Overture 
⦁ Johannes Brahms: Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op.73      

*Admission is free. – Only 400 seats will be available due to physical distancing measures.

To reserve seats, visit or scan the QR code on the concert poster.

For those who cannot make it to the venue, watch the LIVE concert on
or Youtube:

Chula’s encouragement and support for research is excellent for teachers, students, and the public.

Associate Professor Dr. Suchana Chavanich Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University


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