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Health Care with Oriental Wisdom via Facebook Live: Asian Wisdom Care

Anyone interested in having sound physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing, are invited to join and listen to the Facebook Live (Asian Wisdom Care (AWC_RU)), every Saturday from 7:30 pm. to 8:30 pm., from July 2021 onwards.

Follow the link: Asian Wisdom Care (AWC_RU), to join the Facebook Live, hosted by Miss Wilailuk Tantikul and Dr. Noppamas Pathong. Joining in each week is Phra Ajarn Paphonpatchara Jiradhammo (The abbot of Khampramong Temple), to lead in meditation session and give Dhamma teachings, and guest speakers on the program, who are experts from AWC_RU and outside in various Oriental philosophy related to Buddhist principles, such as Thai traditional medicine, Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Thai herbs, and life energy.

Health Caring with Oriental Wisdom via Facebook Live is a cooperation between the Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University, and Arokhayasala, Khampramong Arokhayasala Temple (or Thai Traditional and Integrated Medicine Hospital for Cancer), Sakon Nakhon Province. The project aims to educate people across the country to take care of themselves, or their family, through the use of Oriental or Asian wisdom.

Currently, the AWC_RU Facebook has more than 1,100 members and each episode has between 20 – 700 viewers and 5 – 40 shares. Many viewers have found the episodes useful and have left a number of positive comments, including:

  • “It is an exchange of knowledge, a sharing of first-hand experiences about the loss of a loved one and healing one’s self during that time. The audience was large and the program attracted a lot of interested listeners, especially relatives of cancer patients and those who have lost family members in the situation of COVID-19.”
  • “It’s very helpful and it is easy but is something many people overlook. Hugs for cancer patients can heal the mind very well.”
  • “Thank you for the good content. It’s beautiful.”
  • (On the topic of Water is Life Hydrotherapy) “One of the best speakers with knowledge of water in Thailand. He gave a very good lecture.” “It was so much fun to listen to. There must be a next chapter.”
  • “I had the opportunity to listen to it afterwards. It’s very interesting and helpful.”
  • “Thank you very much to the speakers and staff. It’s interesting. Can you arrange a Water is Life Hydrotherapy course for me to study?”
  • “The speakers explained in great detail. It’s a science.”
  • “Just heard it for the first time. It’s very interesting.”

Remark: Check out the links below to catch up on the previous sessions:

  1. 31 Jul. 2021 >>
  2. 7 Aug. 2021 >>
  3. 14 Aug. 2021 >>
  4. 21 Aug. 2021>>
  5. 28 Aug. 2021>>
  6. 4 Sep. 2021 >>

The results obtained from listening to Asian Wisdom Care via Facebook Live program is consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals #3, which is Good Health and Well-being.

The sense of kinship and warmth found in the Chula community is priceless and a treasure worth keeping.

Prof. Dr. Pornanong Aramwit Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University


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